IVE Syndicate 2525 has written International Casualty for more than 20 years. In 2015 we built an underwriting team of ‘international’ market specialists to take our offering to the next level. We now have a mature international portfolio, with a scale and diversity that gives us resilience and balance. This includes a broad range of industries and territories, written on both primary & excess of loss basis.
The team (re)insure risks on both a direct and facultative reinsurance basis. We specialise in construction, mining, energy, manufacturing, power & utilities, transportation, and product liability risks.
Coverages available:
Public Liability
Products Liability
Pollution Liability
Employers Liability
Umbrella Coverages
Single Project & ‘Wrap Up’ Liability
Product Recall
Our Capacity:
CAD $25m / EUR €20m / AUD $25m / GBP £15m / USD $25m
Territorial Capabilities:
Worldwide excluding US headquartered companies
Why choose IVE Syndicate 2525?
Empowered and entrepreneurial Underwriters
Regular presence at Lloyd’s of London, located at Box 150
Established leader of both SME & large multi-national risks
Flexible underwriting authority
Specialists in high hazard industries
Proactive, forward-thinking approach to claims management
Geographically diverse appetite with the ability to consider incidental US exposures